Proactive Tax Planning

Will Uncle Sam affect my financial plan?

Tax planningChanges in the tax code can significantly impact many areas of personal finance, including how much you keep in your pocket. That’s why Buffalo First Wealth Management, LLC has established, a dedicated team of tax professionals whose job it is to keep abreast of changing tax laws and how they impact your financial future. These experts provide proactive tax planning solutions and preparation services through innovative ideas and expert, timely advice.

The Buffalo First Wealth Management, LLC team are available year-round to provide seamless tax service through proactive tax planning. Taxes are at the heart of every personal financial plan, affecting everything from estate planning and investments to cash management and executive benefits.

Contact us today to help prepare you federal and state income taxes by one of our tax professionals.

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Tax Preparation Checklist

Before you begin to prepare your income tax return, go through the following checklist. Highlight the areas that apply to you, and make sure you have that information available.

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