
A conceptual diagram on a spiral notebook depicting the word "ANNUITY" in the center with arrows pointing to related terms like "INVESTMENT," "ACCUMULATION," "RETIREMENT," "QUALIFIED," "ROLLOVER," "FIXED," and "ASSET," with markers nearby, symbolizing the different components and benefits of an annuity in financial planning.

Understanding Annuities: An Guide on How An Annuity Works

An annuity is a contract with a company that provides a specified sum of money for a specified period of time, based on a number of variables. One thing everyone can agree on regarding annuities is that there are many, many different types of annuities. In addition

A cheerful elderly couple sitting at a wooden table in a well-lit room with a laptop open in front of them. The woman is wearing a green top and smiling at the man who is in a blue sweater, looking back at her with a smile. They appear to be discussing documents on the table, which includes a notepad, papers, and a tablet. A bowl of green apples and bananas, a coffee pot, and a blue mug are also on the table, creating a comfortable and domestic atmosphere.

My Employer Sent Me a Packet About My Pension

In today’s ever-changing retirement landscape, many employers are deciding what to do with their defined benefit plan or pension. Employers are opting to provide their employees with a defined

A piggy bank alongside sticky notes, one with a chart indicating financial growth and another with "Emergency Fund" written on it, suggesting financial planning and savings.

Six Reasons To Start An Emergency Fund

Beneficiaries come into play when thinking about who your assets will go to–things such as money in the bank, retirement accounts, investments, and life insurance policies. Put simply; a beneficiary is the person (or people) you name to inherit

An elderly couple sitting with a financial advisor, discussing and signing documents.

Are Your Beneficiaries Up to Date?

Beneficiaries come into play when thinking about who your assets will go to–things such as money in the bank, retirement accounts, investments, and life insurance policies. Put simply; a beneficiary is the person (or people) you name to inherit

What documents do I need to prepare my tax return?

To help you determine the documents you need to gather we’ve put together a summary of which documents you’ll need to prepare your return. Your specific situation may require additional information.

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