Survey Details Back-to-School Spending for 2019

The National Retail Federation (NRF) and Proper Insights & Analytics recently released a survey detailing back-to-school spending for the 2019 school year. The survey looks at how American families plan to shop for clothing, supplies, and other items for the school year. Record spending expected for 2019 As students prepare to go back to school […]
What’s New in the College World?

If you’re the parent or grandparent of a current or prospective college student, you might be interested to learn what’s new in the world of higher education. Higher college costs For the 2018-2019 school year, average costs for tuition, fees, room, and board were: $21,370 at public colleges (in-state) $37,430 at public colleges (out-of-state) $48,510 […]
Sticker Shock: Creative Ways to Lower the Cost of College

Even with all of your savvy college shopping and research about financial aid, college costs may still be prohibitive. At these prices, you expect you’ll need to make substantial financial sacrifices to send your child to college. Or maybe your child won’t be able to attend the college of his or her choice at all. […]
Investing for Major Financial Goals

Go out into your yard and dig a big hole. Every month, throw $50 into it, but don’t take any money out until you’re ready to buy a house, send your child to college, or retire. It sounds a little crazy, doesn’t it? But that’s what investing without setting clear-cut goals is like. If you’re […]