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Market Update: as of August 16, 2019

stock market chart

The Markets (as of market close August 16, 2019) Volatility is the best term to describe stocks last week. Despite a Friday surge, each of the benchmark indexes listed here fell for the third consecutive week. Wednesday proved to be the most tumultuous day, as stocks suffered a major pullback. Long-term bond yields plunged below […]

Market Update: July 25, 2019

The Markets (as of market close July 19, 2019) Energy stocks dropped as oil prices fell. Stocks in communication services and transportation also declined, impacting the large-cap indexes. Comments from the Fed pointed to signs of economic distress, and leaned toward a possible rate cut later this month. The small caps of the Russell 2000 […]

June Newsletter: Time for a Mid-Year Investment Check

Many investors may be inclined to review their portfolios only when markets hit a rough patch, but careful planning is essential in all economic climates. So whether the markets are up or down, periodically reviewing your portfolio with your financial professional can be an excellent way to keep your investments on track, and midway through […]