Market Update: as of August 16, 2019

The Markets (as of market close August 16, 2019) Volatility is the best term to describe stocks last week. Despite a Friday surge, each of the benchmark indexes listed here fell for the third consecutive week. Wednesday proved to be the most tumultuous day, as stocks suffered a major pullback. Long-term bond yields plunged below […]
Are You Spooked By Your Current Retirement Savings?

Are You Spooked By Your Current Retirement Savings? Time To Get Your Retirement Planning On Track! As Halloween is approaching, you may be realizing that your retirement savings (or lack thereof) happens to be the thing that scares you most. Many people who fail to regularly invest in their 401K or IRA accounts often find themselves […]
Project Experience at BFWM

Before I started my internship at Buffalo First, one of my goals was to learn about mutual funds and ETF’s. To get more acclimated with how they work, Al had me research the strongest performing funds by varying categories. He also wrote up a number of questions for me to answer about mutual funds, ETF’s, […]